w7ec re wemémc-ken

I am extremely proud of my knowledge of our traditions. I speak my language. I’m not fluent as I used to be but I’m learning it all again, so I can be sure to pass on what has been given to me. I believe it is our duty to keep our identity going. Our language is the most important part of our identity that I do not want to lose. So, in order to keep it, I am working hard on different ways to keep it up for everyone to learn. I am making mobile apps and web apps to do this. I grew up speaking our language. I want others to have this opportunity even if they’re not at home or on-reserve where they teach the language. It is the main point of my identity.

I grew up using our traditional medicines and ceremonies. I fasted as a child and teen just like our ancestors did. I read on many different studies on what fasting does to the body. It gives me new perspectives that our ancestors knew already.

I am the active creator and admin for a facebook group I created so everyone from Canim Lake has somewhere to connect with our people back home and so people at home can connect with people who live off-reserve. All of our community events are posted there usually. There are approximately 450 members on this group page. The page is a wonderful tool for the people of Canim Lake to stay connected and to know what is happening at home. I do this because a key to our identity is connecting to people at home.

Te Tsqescen ren st7e7kwen (I come from Canim Lake). I am Secwepemcstin. I take more pride in coming from Canim Lake than being Secwepemc as a whole. I am proud of being Secwepemcstin. However, I feel much more connected to my community than I do to my whole nation. If I am out somewhere and someone asks where I come from, I say I am from Canim Lake more than Secwepemculucw. I believe Canim Lake to be a fantastic place. It is somewhat remote but not that far off. The people of the community are what make the place what it is. A home. My parents are great people. My grandparents are great people. Their families have taught everyone the same value. That value is you must take care of one another. You must do all you can to provide what you can to people. If you are going to succeed, everyone has to succeed.